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Produced shareable content to take Civic Studios's Instagram Followers from 1,000 to 50,000

The Client

Civic Studios is a production house that creates entertainment to provoke dialogue, discussion, and debate.

The company's Research Hub looked at popular culture with a lens of impact.


The Challenge

While Civic Studios' Research Hub had done some novel research about the role of films in shaping people's perspectives, its social media content lacked an appropriate framework and direction.


In September 2021, when Razial Media was first approached by Civic Studios, the company's Instagram handle had less than 1,000 followers. The average post received around 30 likes.

Our collective ambition was to build a community of like-minded people who believed in the power of entertainment to influence change.



The Strategy

The strategy hinged on three simple ideas:


  1. Distill articles into shareable multimedia content using videos and illustrations.

  2. Build honest, non-fiscal rapport with influential Twitterati and credible Redditors.

  3. Put out informative photo albums about niche stories on Facebook.

We set their digital handles ablaze with hard-hitting videos, designed compelling infographics, curated catchy albums, and struck public conversations with their readers. All of this helped PARI build a strong, lively, and actively engaged online community.

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Shareable multimedia content

PARI had a diverse range of stories, which deserved to be read and shared across social media. But we realized we needed to pique the curiosity of potential readers on the internet.

To address this, the crux of the article was packaged in easily understandable, instantly shareable posts. Even a cursory glance would explain the topic while drawing in their interest. The creative interplay of text and images are the key to this. The website traffic swelled, as people kept coming back for more.

Compelling Twitter Threads

Stories about rural India suffer from an image crisis. Urban people are very detached from the joy, struggles, and ingenuity of village life, clubbing it as a homogenous pasture.


In truth, rural India is one of the most diverse places on earth. It is this that was conveyed with story threads, by opening up their perspectives and quickly dispelling the cliched narratives around the hinterland and the back and beyonds.

Building Non-Fiscal Rapport with Audience

In today's crowded digital space, paid trends and influencer-fuelled campaigns are commonplace. Few succeed to break out of the cacophony. However, nothing beats organic growth as it is built on trust - incrementally, compounds periodically.


PARI needed friends and supporters who believed in their ideology of telling tales of everyday people. We reached out to brave, conscientious, and honest voices on the social networks. The storytelling was amplified by their generous support. 


Money didn't change hands, yet thoughts spread.

The Results

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A community that supports, advocates, and donates to PARI's mission.

Departments Engaged




Videos & Design

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